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Guest Teachers

Bozeman Zen Group invites Zen teachers of note two or three times a year to lead weekend retreats. Occasionally, one will join via Zoom for a teaching. Teachers from Insight, Tibetan and other Buddhist lineages also visit, sponsored by the Bozeman Dharma Center or another BDC group.

Nomon Tim Burnett of Red Cedar Zen Community
Thursday – Sunday, September 26 – 29, 2024

Join the Bozeman Zen Group in welcoming Zen teacher, Nomon Tim Burnett. Tim has graciously offered to help the BZG offer its first formal sesshin.

 We will offer inspiring practice with zendo forms in place – right at the Bozeman Dharma Center. There will zazen, service, dharma talk, oryōki (formal eating) practice. Hours are 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Thursday – Saturday, with a half day on Sunday. This is a draft schedule for the 4 days.

Registration is now open. Although participation can  be flexible, priority for attendance will be given to those who sign up for all four days.

Sokaku Kathie Fischer – returns to the Bozeman Zen Group, May 3 – 5, 2024! A Weekend on the Therigatha – Teachings of the First Buddhist Women.

We will consider the lives and teachings of early Elder Buddhist nuns through their stories, poems, and histories. These poignant tales of courage, tragedy and commitment can inspire us in our lives even 2500 years later.

With a mixture of zazen, stories, poems and dialogue we will enjoy the weekend with Kathie, our good friend and teacher. Register HERE.